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Xevi Vilardell Bascompte
xelu's home

xelu.net is a website undergoing constant evolution and experimentation. It began as my personal webpage, but that changed some time ago. This website belongs to all of us who build it day by day, contributing cook recipes, our travel's pictures, posting our own ideas about several topics in the forum... It has become a participative space in line with web 2.0 style. There is much work to be done yet and time is never enough to make everything I'd like of it. yet, this project born on 2007 summer is growing and now it's being fed by hands other than mine: There are now 47 fathers and mothers that contribute its share to make a bigger, more interesting and continously evolving site of xelu.net. You are invited to enter, take a look, participate, criticise, read, contribute, look... that\'s what it's about and it's only a click away!
(192 àlbums - 8697 fotos)
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friend webs
:: AFA L'Era de Dalt
:: BitWorks | Disseny web
:: Didactik
:: e2 estudis
:: Jaume Barri
:: La Cursa del Roc Gros
:: MedSound
:: Montse Masó
:: Osonateca
:: Ser Present

  recipes - games - books - music - movies&tv - theatre - materials - routes -  
  Pastís de pastanaga amb formatge mascarpone   Gloria a Roma   Una columna de fuego   Darrere la porta   Los juegos del hambre   Gullivert al país de Lil·liput   Exàmens de les proves d'accés per a majors de 45 anys a la universitat   Les gorges du Segre  

(c) 2007-2024 logo xelu.net | Last update: 29/06/2024 | Aquesta home ha rebut 225387 visites | Facbeook | Instagram | Web Master: Xevi Vilardell Bascompte | BitWorks

Creative Commons License
Aquesta web i tots els seus continguts
estan sota una llicència Creative Commons.